It’s Getting a Little Hairy at My House…

#3 is going to be dancing to “A Day as the Cat in the Hat” from Suessical the Musical.  When she chose it.. we decided I could make her costume… Something cute.. red and white striped and fun.  Then she came home and said that “#4 and #5 were going to be  Thing 1 and Thing 2.”   I could not imagine how I was going to make the blue wigs for them.  I looked all over the Internet for just the right thing.  I didn’t have much luck.

You know what Thing 1 and Thing 2 are right?

Can’t you see #4 and #5 running around looking like this?

Saturday I was at Hobby Lobby and I found some bright blue feather boas…

and thought I can sew them to a wig cap and make them work…

That’s what I did.. It was hard to sew the feather boa on the mesh of the

wig cap… so I need to have a head under the wig cap.  #5 REFUSED to sit

still and be my model.  #4 was more than happy to stand in for him.

He held very still.. through me sewing both of the blue hair wigs.

I can’t wait to see them in the whole outfits..

Tuesday’s To-do’s…

Muscle man, eBay Queen, skinny little kid

Muscle Man

1. School the Monkey’s

2. Figure out what I need for 2010-2011 school year..  I’ve written down the ISBN’s.. I just need to look them up..

3.  Write up eBay stuff (I still have those SUNGLASSES to finish)

4.  #3’s Solo Costume + Make Thing 1 and Thing 2’s Shirts

5.  take #3 and #4 to dance.

7. Set up time to pick up eBay donations..

8. Work on e-commerce website.. I don’t ever think I will get this done..

9. Fill out #1’s forms

10.  Wii time..

11.  Dinner= Spaghetti with Arrabiata Sauce, and garlic bread