I'm tryin' Abe.. I'm tryin'
Tuesday's To do..
- Take #4 to appointment
- exercise
- partial day of school.. (because of appointment)
- finish up article
- write up eBay junk
- work on youth group stuff
- clean the house
- laundry
- finish school room and take photos
- RETAKES… of school pictures
- Dinner= Chili dogs, french fries, salad (we had something different yesterday)
- Help # 1 with planing of Wed and babysitting thing
- Work (SOME MORE) on confirmation class
- Call Nazarene Church about Girl Scouts
- lesson plans
- Fix gallery photos
write up books for a friendhave #1 write up the books.. I stink at it!- send in netflix stuff & change q
- Find time to SERIOUSLY Clean out the kitchen cabinets