I work with a lot of kids.. there are so many that want to feel this way.
Friday's To Do…
- Take 3.5 to school
- take nap
- CLEAN my messy house
- finish wrapping presents
- *grade papers
- finish up Advent Craft night
- *Exercise
- find green fabric (this is a job for #1)
- dinner= London Broil, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls
- Clean out my purse
- Hair
- Call Starbucks
- Confirmation Class Retreat
- Pick up 3.5
- *Get Cookie Money Together
- Fax Registrations in (for #1 to do)
- Finish cleaning play room (#2,3,4,5)
- Finish Christmas decorations.. take pictures
(*who am I kidding.. I'm not going to do this today but just in case)