7:00 A.M. Breakfast (egg casserole, bacon, bagels, fruit, cereal)
7:30 am Clean up
7:45 A.M. Devotions (Justin)
8:00 AM Leave to pick up kids
9:00 Am Games/Crafts/Computer time
10:30 AM Snack (go-gurt)
12:00 P.M. Lunch (pancakes, sausage, bacon, fruit salad, candy bar)
12:45 P.M. Clean up and take kids back home
2:00 P.M. Wind Caves
4:00 PM Prepare meal
5:00 PM Dinner and Clean up (brisket, tacos, rice, beans homemade salsa)
8:00 P.M. Devotion and Snack (Jacob & Royce)
8:30 PM Clean Up
10:15 PM Bed