This is #3.5. She starts her first day at the Lawrence Virtual School today. She also takes my camera and takes random crazy photos of herself. Perhaps this will teach her not to do that… but I doubt it.
Monday's To Do.
- Check to see if any schools were closed…
- Take #4 to speech (if the schools are not closed)
- Dinner= out with the man (I think)
- School the monkey's
- Load plans on computer
- write article
- call newspaper chick about interview
- clean the house
- work on new chore chart
- eBay stuff
- figure out what I am doing wrong with SixBit Software
- let the winner of my blog challenge know
- Sell Girl Scout cookies that other people didn't sell
- Grade Papers
- Change All the Sheets in the house
- Call Dr for all the monkey's
- Find or write Bible Study for Virgil
- Plan Youth Group