I've needed a hair cut for a long time. Was that a pun? I've gone to the same person to cut my hair since before I was married. My father gifted me with thick course hair. My thick hair doesn't seem to freak Renee (my hair chick) out. I don't want short hair, and she doesn't seem to want to cut it all off, so we are perfect together. Here are the before photos: 
Here's the mass of hair pulled to one side…

Here it is on both sides.. Please ignore my dirty mirror 🙂
HOLY SMOKES.. I look like Cousin IT from the Adams Family..
Don't believe me.. here's proof..

Ok.. so I don't have a hat.. but it's pretty close.

Some hair…

Some more hair…

and Bob's your uncle.. my hair is cut..

The back… and sort of the front..

Renee says she wants to see me back in before it get's that bad again.. I'll try.. I'll try..