I’m looking for 2 of these costumes.. either to borrow or buy.. But I need them CHEAP.. #4 and #5 will wear them for like 1 minute during #3’s solo dance… OR if you just know where I can get 2 bright blue wigs… that would help too 🙂
1. School the Monkey’s
2. Figure out what I need for 2010-2011 school year..
3. Girl Scout Training
4. emails to Youth Group about the meeting..
5. Write up eBay stuff (I still have those SUNGLASSES to finish)
6. Start #3 solo costume
7. Work on the Church’s eBay auctions ** List that FLOORING **
8. Set up time to pick up eBay donations..
9. Work on e-commerce website
10. Fill out #1’s forms
11. Send article in
12. Wii time..
13. Dinner = Pot Luck