Here are some things my kids ARE NOT getting for Christmas… but I know they would like to have.
#1 is not a short girl.. and loves high heels. I know she would love these Christian Louboutin Red Mary Janes. If only I could spend $299.99 on a pair of shoes. Want to see them? Go Here

#2 loves Legos. I’m pretty sure he’s not going to get this Lego City lot with the Corner Cafe, Green Grocer and Fire Brigade. It’s pretty cool but freezes my wallet up for $485.00 + shipping. Want to see it? Go Here

#3 really likes her American Girl Doll Stuff. There were several nice lots on eBay, but I think this one was the nicest.. all retired stuff. But well.. she’s not getting it. $985.00 See it HERE

#4 Really wants a remote control helicopter. I’ve tried and tried to explain to him that remote control helicopters are not made for 6 year olds.. These are about $269.00 Check it out HERE.

#5 Loves Transformers… I don’t mean he loves them like he plays with them. I mean he loves them like he can recite the lines from both movies.. like when he wakes up in the morning he looks to see if “Bumblebee” has shown up at the house.. like his last name is Wyckwicki.. He’s obsessed! When I was looking through the Transformers stuff on eBay he saw a yellow 2010 Chevrolet Camero (painted like Bumblebee).. he wanted it.. But I decided on this: Transformers entire collection: price $15,000.00 check it out HERE.