Here’s the background story on my issue with Fedex… I purchased a case of Bibles from They were shipped out from Kansas on Monday (to come to me here in Kansas)… The lady I ordered the Bibles from thought the Bibles would arrive by Wednesday because there was only about a 70 mile difference between where the Bibles are, and where I live.Ā I didn’t get nervous about the Bibles not arriving until Thursday.Ā IĀ called Fedex, and they had traveled a whole 20 miles from the point of orgin to the Fedex Terminal, and I was assured they were out for delivery onĀ Friday. Ā IĀ waited.. and waited.. all day Friday. NOTHING..
I called at around 6:45PMĀ and they told me it was still out for delivery.
IĀ was on Danna’s Powerselling Mom Radio Show between 7:00 and 8:00PM (to listen go here: so I couldn’t call and ask what was going on.. until after the show.
After the radio show I called and they said the driver missed the delivery, and it would be delivered on Monday.Ā IĀ needed the bibles to hand out at confirmation graduation on Sunday; So I talked to several people until I got a hold of one guy.. who understood how important it was to me to have those Bibles,.

If you look close you can see the outline of my house under the full moon.
So under the cover of darkness and a full moon, the Man and IĀ set off for Topeka’s Fed Ex Terminal. Topeka is about 60 miles from our humble abode..

NoĀ Trespassing.. I guess they knew I was coming..

Just like the sign said.. I reported to the office to pick up my box.

I didn’t have the guts to take my camera in the building.. but the dudes in there were looking at me like I my mother’s new lung was in there or something… They could not imagine why I would need these Bibles before Monday.

#3 is totally confident that I got the Bibles.. #2 looks concerned

I got them!

We arrived home.. safe but IĀ made the dog guard the Bibles.. Just in case.

Here’s 10 of the 11 reasons I had to get those Bibles.Ā The 2008-2009 Confirmation class.. IĀ just love these kids..