Some of you may know that I live “off the paved road”.. Way off the paved road and across the low water bridge… SO.. I was driving home, and I was almost to the low water bridge.. (you remember this bridge) when I saw a small kitten run out into the road and then back in the grass on the side of the road.
In my mind I was saying, oh it’s one kitten, and it probably won’t come to me.. but I will stop and see if it’s ok. So I got out of the car, and made that little kissing noise that you make when you call an animal. (why do people do that?) I didn’t think it would come to me.. and 3 came out of the tall grass to greet me. It took me all of 5 seconds to scoop them up and put them in the car.
Then it occurred to me. The Man is gonna kill me.. I put those thoughts a side and drove the rest of the way home.
I called #1 and told her to bring out a box.. she was shocked to find these 3 little kittens crawling all over me in the car.

Here’s #5 and #2 checking out the kitty’s.
Funny thing.. #5 saw the kittens and said; “It’s my husband Gregory!” To know the strange story behind this.. click here.

The one with the spot is named “Scott”, and the other one is named “Mini Mr Bigglesworth”.
(one day I will explain it to you.. but today I’ll let you wonder)

Here’s #3 with Ivana.. (also from the Austin Power’s movie)

They were STARVING.. I don’t know if you can see how skinny they are.

#5 looking cute with his kittens.

Here’s #2 with Scott.

Ivana is a unusual kitty.. she has no tail, long back legs and short front legs.
#1 likes to say Ivana is “two faced” with the light on one side and dark on the other.

#5 with his kitty…
In case you are wondering.. The Man loves the kitty’s.. he even brought home some kitten food and a new house for them.