Today the Man and I have been married 13 years. It seems like a long time, and like no time at all has passed. Weird how that all works. We were married in Rantoul, Kansas at the Presbyterian Church. We invited lots of people, but didn't really think anyone would come… as it turned out, everyone wanted to see if we were actually going to do it!

Here we are.. #1, me, #2 and The Man.
I know.. I know.. your thinking.. how could she have those 2 children so
fast after the wedding.. and all I can say to you is, God works in mysterious ways.

Here's the Man and the minster (John Raske) that married us.
I believe he's showing him how I am going to "love, honor and obey." Or is it eBay?

I'm not sure why this is so blurry.. but here's the kiss. As I remember it,
it was a good one! My dress had the most FABULOUS train.. Our wedding started at
6:00pm, and my dress was suppose to be delivered by 2:30. It didn't get there until
5:52pm. I never saw myself in it that day. Weird huh?

In case you needed proof I am short. I had on 4" heels in this picture!

Not a bad looking group…

My friend since forever… We are still
super close.. My life would not be the same without her.

We had a sit down dinner for 200 people.. and this is the only photo I have of the food.
I believe we had brisket, chicken (of some kind) mashed potatoes, green beans, shrimp..
and the best garlic biscuit things.

Oh.. and cake.. The cake was so good.. See those LARGE flower things in front?
I had 40 or so cupcakes made for the kids that were coming to the wedding..

#1 and The Man dancing at our wedding.. how sweet is that?

We were standing outside as the sun was setting.. That poor man.. I bet if someone told him he was going to have 3 more children
after this photo he would have thought they were nuts. I'm pretty sure I would have too.

Look! there's his hand before the ring started choking him!