Sunday we went to The Man’s parents house to celebrate Christmas with them. I affectionately call my mother and father in law Ward and June Cleaver. I’ve done this because The Man has always referred to his childhood as living the life of The Cleavers.. you know the show “Leave it to Beaver” ?

I don’t know if you can see Sam (he’s the cat with the green arrow above his head).
This photo reminds me of him being a “basement cat” from that cute site Icanhascheezburger.
The day started out great… the stockings were hung…

The men were relaxing. That’s The Man and his baby brother.. oh and
#2’s there in the back and black.
Here’s #4 and his uncle. They are pretty cute huh?
(oh and they both are single… 🙂 You’ll have to wait a while for #4 though)
It was a pretty normal family Christmas party.. trees, stockings, food, family.. until we got
to the presents. Here’s #2.. nothing too weird here.

We have #4 opening is rocket ship.. This kid loves space. He’s going to be
the first kid from our little town on the Moon.
Here’s #4 and his uncle “the punk” playing with the rocket..
Then we came to #5.. he’s been wanting one of these for a LONG time.
He loves Transformers, and this Bumblebee Voice Changer Helmet is
a perfect gift for this kid.
Here #2 and my mother in law “June” (without the pearls and heels)
watching the festivities.
Wait.. what’s this? It looks like #4 has found something..
Could it be? Did #5 leave the Bumblebee helmet UNATTENDED?
Holy Smokes.. #4 has been spotted with the helmet. That blur there is
#5 coming over to get his helmet back. Can you see the Bumblebee
Transformer car he dropped on the floor?
He’s not happy…

He’s working up to throwing a fit…
Wait.. The Man busts into the room to save the day…
Peace and Order is restored and #4 gave him the helmet back. Whew…
melt down diverted to another day.