In Honor of Festivus…

I love Seinfeld. I never watched it much when it was on regular TV… but we watch it every night now. If you are a Seinfeld fan, you'll know that yesterday December 23.. was Festivus….

Homemade pizza

Festivus starts with a non-holiday comfort food.

We chose pizza. I made 4 different pizzas. We had Canadian bacon,

a thin all meat, pepperoni.. and a deep dish all meat with sweet

onions on top. After or during the meal there is the "airing of

grievances". This is where each person tells everyone else

all the ways they have disappointed them over the past year.

After the non-traditional meal, there is the "Feats of Strength". This is where

people challenge the head of household in a wrestling match. It ends when

the head of the household is pinned. You can get out of challenging the

head of household ..if you have something better to do.

The only people that would challenge the head of household

this year was #4 and #5. It didn't go so well for them. The

head of household was not pinned… It was a FESTIVUS MIRACLE!

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