Happy Birthday #1 Does it Feel Like You’ve Lived 1/4 of a Century?

It’s this child’s birthday.. and just like all my children.. she has “issues”.

She likes to sleep.

(Holy smokes.. she’s gonna kill me for this one)

She LOVES to model eBay stuff.

She modeled around 25 vintage nurse outfits one time..

#1 is famous in our home for her “looks” .. This is the “mildly amused,

but I’m still gonna smack you” look.

This is “annoyed.. but not speaking to you” look.

Most people would think this is a happy look.. but it’s not..

she’s actually angry that her brother took this photo when she was

not ready.

Stop.. Hammertime..

She loves coffee…

I’m serious.. she really loves it.

(why don’t you just marry it then?)

Speaking of marriage.. I’m married to that guy.. and what a

coincidence that’s #1’s dad too!  Don’t they look cute?  Do you want to know

what they were laughing at?

#4’s super long tongue..  interrupting my photos.

She likes this Big Ugly Dog too..

She loves her goof ball siblings.. that sometimes torture her.

Happy Birthday #1..  Your family loves you.. and…

I think this guy does too..

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