Take me to your leader… Actually this is something more in the line of.. Bumblebee! Roll Out!
Monday's To Do:
- exercise
- school the monkey's
- make a new list of "needs"
- Finish up stuff with #1 on next weeks JAM
- pick up my messy house
- move furniture
- put bed on craiglist
- vacuum the school room
- call school
- Dinner= Mongolian beef , and shrimp potstickers
- Get First day of school mobiles up
- have children remove piles of JUNK in front of the stairs
- Get October's confirmation done.. ie.. find old confirmation book
- follow up on under 30 Sunday School class
- Check about Girl Scout using Nazarene church
- Get grades in grade book
- Receipts together for church
- car cleaned out
- Finish School room