Monday’s To Do.. Labor Day Version

Happy Labor Day!

Monday's To Do… (Labor Day Version)

  • Call Macy's
  • Exercise
  • Finish School Room
  • Paint Front Door and Trim
  • Move filing cabinets
  • Dinner= stuff on the grill, baked potatoes, garlic green beans, salad rolls
  • work on eBay junk
  • write article
  • Get Calendar on pantry up
  • take check by Nancy's
  • Help # 1 with planing of Wed and babysitting thing
  • Work (SOME MORE) on confirmation class
  • Call Nazarene Church about Girl Scouts
  • Find time to SERIOUSLY Clean out the kitchen cabinets
  • Turn in receipts
  • RETAKES… of school pictures
  • Print out Spelling stuff..
  • lesson plans
  • write up books for a friend
  • clean the house
  • laundry

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