I think I make resolutions every year. I keep some.. some I don't. Here are the one's I think I'm making this year.
- Exercise.. not to lose weight (but if I do it's a bonus) but to be able to run after #6 when I'm like 84 or something.
- Make my e-commerce website a priority.
- List more junk on Amazon… even if it takes me FOREVER.. (just do it)
- Figure out if I really need 9 email addresses.
- Go out with The Man at least twice a month
- Take time to hang out with friends.
- Plan more event things to do at Youth Group
- Get the City Wide Youth Group Leader thing going
- Clean and organize the closet's and dressers in my house
- Get the kids rooms in order
- Make my laundry room more pleasant
- Take a vacation with the family
- Have more get togethers at our house
- Get a freakin' hair cut. I haven't had my hair cut since HERE (October of 2009)
- Grade my papers the week they are done.. and put them in my grading program.
- Spend more quality time with my children individually.
I know there are more.. but that's all I can think of right now.