Odd eBay Message?

I received this message today.  (I’ve never been messaged by this buyer)

“You know what is funny? A friend of mine was looking for a cookie jar… she loves to bake, she found this one on line here, neither her or I had thought The 51 inches was a circumference measurement. As it turns out she has cats… who would have guessed that? I was on the phone with her today when she realized it was for cat treats. Kind of wish the jar had a reference to its size in a picture. I had paid for that for her, and now will likely not get my money back out of it.”


What do you think she means?

Here is what I think:

She purchased a cat treat jar for her friend.  She thought it was a cookie jar, her friend thought it was a treat jar.  Both of them thought it was 51 inches around?  She would like to get the 18.00 she spent on the jar back because it was not 51 inches around.


Here is what I wrote her back:

I am so sorry this was not what you expected.  I show it is 5.25″ around.  I would be happy to refund your money if you’d like to send the item back.  We do have free returns.

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