Today's photo challenge is 10:00 AM (ok really it was 10am yesterday.. but whatever)
At 10:00am today I walked into the house from taking #4 to speech…
This kid was in his bed fussing.
I yelled for the rest of them to get ready for school, and asked #1 if she'd entertain him for awhile.
I got him situated, and put him on his sisters back so we could go do school..
This is how I found the rest of them.. do you think they were in the school room ready for school?
#4 was laying in the chair listening to his MP3 player.
#5 was laying on the floor watching TV.
#2 was sitting in the chair checking his email.
Some of you might realize that #3 and 3.5 are missing. #3.5 is a school doing that whole public school thing. #3 was being a good girl and getting ready for school. She's such a good girl.