What should I Sell on eBay? Cookie Jar Edition

I’ve always liked cookie jars, and not just for the obvious reasons.. that they hold cookies.  When I first started selling on eBay I bought a black cat cookie jar for $8.00 at an auction.  I was so excited when it sold 158.00!

Cookie jars can be tricky to pack, but easy to sell if you do your research.  Here are a few cookie jars that sell great on eBay.

The pattern and shape make this cookie jar rare.

This cookie jar is new, but they had to stop production of it..

which made it pretty rare.

This Casper the ghost cookie jar came with the original box.  I thought

that would add more value to it.. turns out it only sold for 20.00 more

than one without a box.

There are a few car cookie jars on eBay.. but this Tucker sold

for the most money.

How cute is a Hippo cookie jar?

This is a newer cookie jar.

This cookie jar went with a popular line of dishes in the 1950’s

Franciscan Starburst RARE cookie jar Sold for $253.51

Do you have a cookie jar story?  Have a favorite cookie jar?  Leave a comment!

1 thought on “What should I Sell on eBay? Cookie Jar Edition

  1. I’m looking for a Casper cookie Jar like the one my mom had when I was growing up. It’s the one where Casper is standing and holding a cookie in his hand. Do you know the best way to search for this cookie jar?

    Thank you,

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