Daily To-Do for Friday February 5th

  • Wish my best friend of 1 bazillion year’s Happy Birthday.  We should be eating lunch together today..
  • Wii Fit 30 minutes.. Did 45 minutes.. Wii fit age 51.. whoa.
  • Get my food and GS blog in order
  • make a HUGE batch of chex mix for the man..
  • Write my Ask the eBay Queen Blog
  • Answer eBay emails
  • I lost all my blogs for January 11-17th Get those back up…
  • Clean my MESSY HOUSE
  • Work on my web store If talking to some guy about it = working on it.
  • Make a Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake for #4
  • Write up 20 eBay things.
  • UpDate eBay Article Blog See it HERE
  • Find #3’s Solo Dance costume.. something with a Cat in the Hat theme.
  • GCF eBay Fundraiser (get account, register w/Mission Fish, Open PayPal)
  • Dinner:  Salisbury Steak, mashed potatoes, white gravy, hominy and homemade rolls
  • School the monkeys
  • Check up on the chore list
  • grade papers
  • Go to the Bank
  • Turn in GS Money to my friend :)

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