eBay Classes…

I teach a few eBay classes a year for the Olathe Public Library. I've had a variety of experiences and questions from teaching classes over the last 4 years. Like the second class I taught (at the big library in Overland Park) where I had 75 people and over 23 did not have computers! That class had one guy (they all have one) that sort of heckled me. He of course knew more than I did, and wanted a copy of my power point. He asked questions that were not appropriate to the class.. and in general was a pain in the patootie. My class I had today was perfection. They were kind, laughed at my jokes and asked good thoughtful questions. I wanted to take a picture of them… I bring my camera every time to take a photo of my class, but I freak out and don't ever ask them.

If you were in my eBay class would you think it would be weird if I took your picture?

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