Your Wife Want’s What?

Several years ago I asked The Man for a clematis plant.  He came through with a beautiful fuchsia-purple plant. This plant has really taken off this year. The flowers are big, about 4″-5″ across, and the colors are unbelievable.

This plant sits on the side of my house, and each time I walk by it, I think of The Man… and how he looked high and low for this plant.

He went to one of the local garden places and looked around.  When finally one of the employees came over and asked him; “Can I help you find something?”  He replied; “My wife wants a plant, it’s a vine, and I can’t think of the name.”

“Morning Glory? or maybe a Climbing Hydrangea?” she said.   “How about a potato vine or maybe a honeysuckle?”  “No, no, I believe it’s a chlamydia plant.” The Man replies cheerfully. (for those of you that do no know, chlamydia is a STD, and not the beautiful flower you see above)

I have never found out what she said to him, because even right now that makes me laugh so hard, I can’t bring myself to ask him.

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