- Summer School
- Consulting #2: Send hours in
- Consulting #1: Move office stuff
- A/C guy is coming 🙂
- Find the prices for Mike
- Plan meals for next week (while I’m at eBay Open)
- Dinner= Pot Stickers and Fried Rice
Author Archives: Queenie
Tuesdays To Do
- School
- Take #3 and 3.5 to work
- eBay Consulting
- Call AC guy
- Call Dentist
- Meeting @11
- Call Lucas
- Look at furniture
- Meeting @ 7:00
- Dinner = Something out
Mondays To Do
No cats were harmed while I was on the phone.
- School
- Take #1 to the dr
- Phone consulting interview
- Work on eBay Junk
- Fix pictures
- Dinner=Roast Beef, mashed potatoes, Carrots and gravy
- Do something with my hair
- Call A/C Guy
I’ve been a little MIA in MAY. Here’s what we’ve been up to.
#3.5 an Art Show for her students.
The Man replaced our shower in the master bedroom. #6 is so proud, because he helped his dad install it.
We babysat this puppy…
My poppies bloomed
We had two kids graduate from high school
The principal (the man) handing out the diplomas.
The Graduates.
On Mother’s Day the girls and I listed 700 things on Amazon for the company I’m consulting for.
Then we went out to eat.. where we thought we saw snakes in the parking lot..
They were not snakes.. but someone’s braid.. uh that must of hurt.
#1 had a birthday.. and a cake.
#3’s Dance Studio had a recital.
#6 Vacuumed up after the recital.
The Man and I took a little road trip to buy some product.