Friday’s To Do… Mission Trip Edition

Friday's To Do..

June 22th  Friday

7:00 A.M. Breakfast

7:30 am  Clean up/ Leave to pick up kids          

7:45 A.M. Devotions

9:00 Am  Basketball/Craft/Computer time

10:30 AM Snack

12:00 P.M. Lunch

12:45 P.M. Cleanup & take kids back home

2:00 P.M.  Pack/Clean

4:00 PM Leave for Pow Wow

6:00 PM  Dinner at the Pow Wow

9:30 PM  Snack/Worship time

10:30 PM  Bed

Thursday’s To Do… Mission Trip Edition

Thursday's To Do..


June 21th  Thursday

7:00 A.M. Breakfast

7:30 am  Clean up/ Leave to pick up kids 7:45 A.M. Devotions

9:00 Am  Basketball/Craft/Computer time

10:30 AM Snack

12:00 P.M. Lunch

12:45 P.M. Cleanup & take kids back home

2:00 P.M.  Darren Merraval Buffalo Ranch

4:00 PM   Prepare meal

5:00 PM    Dinner and Clean up

6:00 P.M. Free Time/Showers

7:00 P.M. Movie Night

9:00 PM  Snack

9:30 PM  Worship time

10:15 PM  Bed

Wednesday’s To Do… Mission Trip Edition

Mount Rushmore

Wednesday's To Do..


June 20th  Wednesday

6:30 AM Breakfast Crew Up

7:00 A.M. Breakfast

7:30 Am  Clean up/ Leave to pick up kids

7:45 A.M. Devotions

9:00 Am    Basketball/Crafts/Computer time

10:30 AM Snack

12:00 P.M. Lunch

12:45 P.M. Cleanup take kids back home

2:00PM Pack Picnic Dinner

3:00 P.M.  MT Rushmore

5:30 PM  Picnic Dinner in Black Hills

9:30 PM  Snack/Worship time

10:15 PM  Bed

Tuesday’s To Do.. Mission Trip Edition

Tuesday's To Do..

June 19th  Tuesday

6:30 AM Breakfast Crew Up

7:00 AM Breakfast

7:30 am Clean up/ Leave to pick up kids

 7:45 A.M. Devotions

9:00 Am  Basketball/Crafts/Computer time

10:30 AM Snack

12:00 P.M. Lunch

12:45 P.M. Clean up and take kids back home

2:00 PM Wounded Knee Massacre site & KILI radio station

4:00 PM   Prepare meal

5:00 PM    Dinner and Clean up

6:00 P.M. Make a craft with a woman from the community

8:00 P.M. Free Time/Showers

9:00 PM  Snack

9:30 PM  Worship time

10:15 PM  Bed