This is Bumble Bee.. with 3D glasses on.
You may know this.. but just in case you don't… Transformers Dark Side of the Moon opened Tuesday. I received an email from AMC theaters Monday night saying they had some tickets left for their early show.
We don't go to the movies much.. OK let's be truthful. We watch 2-5 movies a week.. but they are all at our house. WE NEVER go to the theater.
The Man took me to the movie on our first date.. any one want to guess what it was?
If you guessed "Naked Gun".. you would be correct. He's such a romantic!
This movie was special. #4 and #5 were SO excited about seeing this movie. We have the first two Transformer movies, and they've watched them probably 15-20 times. We thought it would be a great family memory and so worth it to them to be one of the first people to see the movie.
Holy smokes was it worth it.
I know the picture is blurry.. but that kid is pretending to shoot at the "stuff" flying at him.
#2 didn't shoot at the screen.. but I think he liked it
It wasn't my favorite movie, but it was great to see how far 3D has come since I was a kid. But the best part was to listen to them talk for the last 48 hours on how much fun they had and how much they love this movie.