How Old is Too Old for a Bottle..

Confession… I let my 2 year old have a bottle when he takes a nap and goes to bed at night.


Is it bad when he brings the milk and the bottle to us to make it for him?


Milk is heavy.

In my defense.. he did this on his own. We didn't tell him to bring the milk and the bottle to us. I know he's too old.. but dang it I want him to still be a baby!

Let’s Talk about Hair.. and Genetics

curly hair, baby hair, children, why is my baby's hair curly

This is #6  I want to talk about his hair.

I don't understand where he got this stuff… it's blonde…

It's fine…

It's wavy…

Some would say.. curly.

Where did he get it from?

This is the kind of hair I'm used too.. Thick, course, straight.  Maybe I need to dig deep into The Man's family history.

Hmm.. here is The Man in 9th grade.. his hair looks kind of blonde and wavy.  Let's go back a little further…

Yep.. I can see it now.

The oldest in this photo is The Man and his 2 little brothers… with their curly blonde hair.

A Ring for Every Child

Several years ago (when I only had 3 children).. my mother in law bought me a fabulous gift after I had #3.  It was a necklace with 3 gold rings representing my 3 children.  The Man bought me charms for #4 and #5 when they were born to add to my necklace.

Rings in order by their age: #1, #2, #3, #3.5, #4, #5,  and #6


I've been hounding him since #6 was born (Jan 2011) about a ring for #6. We looked and looked for a matching ring set for #6.. without much luck. 


Tonight after searching everywhere… he brought me home a ring for #6 and one for #3.5  Now I have 7 rings for my sweet muffins!  He's a pretty awesome father and the best husband a girl could ask for.

Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 24: Something I am Grateful for: Healthy Babies

Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 24: Something I am grateful for…

This is #6.

He was born 7 weeks early. Almost all my children were born early.. well, at least my boys were.  They gave me high blood pressure.  My girls, did not.  #6 was born earlier than the others, and was in the NICU for 5 weeks.  We were told that he would probably always be small, and would not be doing the things other kids his age were doing.  Guess what?  They were wrong!

All babies are miracles.. but to me, this one is a special one.  At about 19 weeks pregnant, I took the blood test that screens the baby for any genetic defects.  The results of that test?  I had a 1 in 19 chance he had down syndrome… They sent me to a specialist that looked over my test and said, "I'm sorry Mrs. Eads, they calculated your age wrong, you actually have a 1 in 5 chance of having a baby with down syndrome."  I was already a mess… and that didn't help.  Then they whisked me into the sonogram room…

Where they gave me 3 kinds of sonograms… and told me they couldn't find anything wrong with him… and you know what.. they were right.

God is good all the time.  I am so grateful that he blessed us with children, and he saw fit to bless us with healthy one's too!