Contemplating the Re-Numbering of the Children.. or just Typing Out loud

I've been thinking a lot lately about re-numbering my kids.  If you've read my blog for very long you'll know that I don't give my children's names out.. I just refer to them by number.  You know…

#2 (in blue) #1 (in red), #3 holding #6, #3.5 and the 2 little boys in front #4 in blue and #5 in green. They are numbered by age.. or birth order.  

Most people don't know it but #3 and #3.5 are only 16 hours apart.  They've been the best of friends since 2nd grade. I didn't give birth to  #3.5  but I love her just like did.  When she came to live with us in 2011, I only thought she would be here a month or two.. we feel so fortunate and blessed that she is with us permanently. In January The Man and I became Miss #3.5's legal guardians.

I've been thinking about re-numbering the monkeys.. and if I do it by birth order #3.5 should be #4 and so on. That would mean I would need to change the numbers of the 3 youngest boys. I'm not sure that they would care… or maybe they would.  Maybe #3.5 just wants to be 3.5 and not a whole number.  I could always give #3.5 the number of #7.. but then it would screw up the whole birth order thing.    What do you think?

Whooping Cough – Shots- Doctor’s Visits and Ice Cream

If you've been reading  my blog you'd know I have 7 children and one husband.  If you do the math, that means there are 7 children and 2 adults.. for a total of 9 Eads.  Back on June 16th I took 3 of those children (along with 10 other children that are not mine) to Ogala, South Dakota for a Mission Trip.  I learned yesterday that one of those children (not mine) had THE WHOOPING COUGH.  (I like to use THE in front of things because it makes me laugh)

After consulting what seems like thousands of people… I decided to take all of us to the Dr for a dose of anti-depressants anti-biotics and then to the health department for our TDAP booster shots. (we were not up to-date.. what a shock).  Some of you might be thinking, "Why did you not get a vaccine at your Dr's office?  It's a pretty simple answer.. the Dr's office didn't have that many vaccines. :/

Have you ever wondered what 9 prescriptions look like with different people's name on them?

Here you go…


I went through the drive-thru to pick these up.  They had to give them to me in 2 different loads because they wouldn't all fit.

Filled my purse too…


SHOTS! (#3 and #4)

Shots! (#5 and #4)


This kid was TOTALLY freaked out about getting a shot.  When it was over he said, "That's it?"


This little muffin didn't even make a peep.. he just gave the nurse a dirty look.

I promised my kids if they didn't throw a fit.. I would buy them ice cream afterwards.  Yes, I am that kind of mother, it's worked for me.. for almost two decades.

#4 feeding his monster.

Proof #6 got his shot.. and that he ate some ice cream.

#3 and #1 eating their ice cream.

I would have taken a photo of #1's shot.. but she felt America was not ready for a photo of her arms. 😉

This chickie (#3.5) was up to date on her shots.. and she didn't cry so she got ice cream too 🙂

Using All Your Senses at 8th Grade Promotion

Every year about this time in May I go to a thing called "8th Grade promotion."  I can hear my mother (the long time teacher) say; "8th Grade Promotion? That's ridiculous! Graduating is an accomplishment, moving from one school to the other is not." 

Ok so back to what I was doing.

If you've never been to a 8th grade promotion, here's what happens.

  • 8th grade girls get SUPER dressed up.  Some of them wear appropriate clothing.  Some of them look like a 'cocktail waitress in a Dolly Parton wig' (name that song)
  • 8th grade boys can't decide if they are happy with the way the girls are dressing OR if they are uncomfortable with it. 
  • 8th grade boys wear suits, shirt and tie or perhaps just a polo.  No one notices what the boys are wearing.
  • Select kids get up and speak about their experiences in Junior high and what they expect out of high school. (think what a Valedictorian says at graduation except this is an 8th grader speaking)
  • Many excited parents and grandparents are there to cheer for their little muffins.

On to using your senses… 


  • When walking into the gym; I think I heard the F bomb at least 30 times.
  • I heard a lot of "Excuse me is this seat saved?"  "Hold still! I'm trying to take your picture!" 
  • "Don't touch my hair! My mom paid like $50.00 to get it done!"
  • "Can you believe what she wore?"
  • I think I heard the B word at least 40 times.
  • oh.. and lots of babies crying (none of which was mine)


  • Sequins, beads and lots of glittery girls
  • fabulous high heel sandals.. and the girls that can't walk in them.
  • Sad parents, happy parents, excited kids
  • A member of the Board of Education that use to be a teacher and is the reason I homeschool.  Seeing him on the BOE did not make my day.  I can assure you this guy shouldn't be a teacher, let alone make decisions for school districts.


  • I smelled lots of Victoria's Secret perfume walking in the place. (which smells like fruit salad)
  • Sitting down I smelled a wonderful combination of: marijuana, cigarette, body odor, dirty hair and beer.  Because it was a little warm in the gym they would fan themselves and occasionally fan or de-cling their shirt… where I would then get a whiff of what has to be clothes that have sat in the washer too long.


  • I tasted nothing, because well.. I couldn't eat a cookie or punch after smelling all of the above for an hour and fifteen minutes.

See the dude under the red arrow? He was my teacher in high school.. and his mother saved me from getting swats! By the way he looks just like he did when I was in school.


PS: I'm writing this as kind of a joke.. but the smells WERE no laughing matter.

Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 26: Black and White

Today's Pinterest Photo Challenge is of something black and white.

I was going to take a photo of a really cute black and white sweater I just bought.. or perhaps these cute black and white flip flops… #4 told me I should take a picture of his shirt.. because it was black and white and people needed to know what it said.  Well said #4, well said.