I'm not one of your biggest sellers.. but.. I've had a horrible experience on your site. I've sent you email after email, and not a response. I've called 5 times and each time the rep on the phone tells me that they don't think I've been handled correctly, and they tell me to send another email (seller-guarantee@amazon.com) and still I haven't received A RESPONSE from you. I am writing this blog so that I can just refer you (AMAZON Customer support) to it instead of re-writing email after email telling different Amazon employees my story only for the emails to be ignored.
Recently I sold a canister for 85.00 on March 16. The canister was brand new in the original manufactures box. Here are the photos I took of it before it was sold. After I took the photos I put it back in the manufactures styrofoam and box.
Nice looking canister huh?
The Amazon buyer emails me on March 21st:
"Received today Wed. March 21st, 2012 Completely damaged box and all!! No packing slip nothing. I am not happy with this! I know things can happen during shipping but it wasn't even packed right."
I email her back:
I'm very sorry this arrived damaged. Is it only the box that is damaged, or the item as well? This was in it's original packaging, never opened and then double boxed with padding around it. If the canister is damaged, please let me know and provide your phone number so I can open a claim with UPS.
We do not enclose Amazon's packing slips, as you did not purchase this directly from Amazon, you have purchased this from an individual person selling something on Amazon. We send an e-mail, letting you know the item has been shipped. I'm so sorry this is not what you expected, please let me know the condition of the canister, and we will move forward with a return or refund. Thank you.
Amazon Buyer emails me:
"Yes the canister is damaged and yes I would want a* refund of my money*. Thank you.. My home phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. I hope my number will NOT be given out to anyone it is a private number( I was very reluctant on giving my number in the first place) Package looked like it went threw a war and inside was newspaper some bubble wrap and a vanilla type envelope it was a mess and whole package had an odor to it!"
** must be the 'vanilla' envelope that gave it the odor **
I email her back:
"I'm so sorry! I'm not sure what could have happened to it! Sounds like UPS had a bowling tournament with it, although normally they are very good with my boxes… It is also especially odd that there was a manilla envelope in it ~ Sometimes things get mixed in with newspaper on my shipping table, and I'm guessing this is what happened. Did the envelope have anything in it? I would never give your phone number out to anyone but UPS ~ They require it for the claim. Sometimes they will require an inspection and want to pick up the package. I think this is why they ask for recipients phone number. That being said, is there a time I could call and ask some questions about the package OR is there a way you would be willing to attach photos of the broken canister so I can put them with the claim?
Sometimes it makes the process quicker and easier. If you would be willing to send photos of the damage? I cannot tell you how sorry I am about this! Thank you for being so kind and willing to work with me."
Amazon Buyer sends me this:
"I'll take pictures tomorrow just got into my email right about now it's late I am tired No nothing in the envelope. UPS is usually pretty good. Through many years I only had one package really went threw the saw mill. But contents where fine. This package I'll be honest looked like it had been opened and taped back up. I have a friend who works for Fed Ex and he said it was definitely opened somewhere and repacked. The canister is all scratched up literally looks like someone to a box cutter to it in my opinon.. Just really want it out of my house and my refund. Will take and send pictures tomorrow. "
**a little note it isn't until now she says what the damage maybe on the canister.
I send the buyer an email:
Hi! I just wanted to check in. I didn't want you to think I forgot about you, I just hadn't received the photos today. Please send them to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you!
3 Day's later she sends this picture
Great photo.. shows so much detail.
I email her:
Please go ahead and send the canister back. Please wrap it in its original white box with the original styrofoam around it, and then put it in a new box with newspaper around it. Please ship insured. I will refund as soon as I receive this back. You can mail it to: (my address)
Amazon buyer emails me:
I will send it tomorrow. However there is "NO" original white box. newspaper the manilla envelope "ONE" piece of styrofoam a small square of it that is how I received it. I will have to get a new box.. Seriously I hope I get all my money back INCLUDING SHIPPING COST AND TO INSURE IT. I don't feel I should have to put out any extra money on my part. I am not responsible for the way it was delivered. Someone from the time it left your place to mine.
But I will have my husband take care of this, the sooner I get my money back the better.
I email the buyer:
I don't mean to be rude, I'm just trying to figure out exactly what has happened. When I shipped this, it was wrapped in it's original box with styrofoam around it, and then inside another box with newspaper around that. Are you telling me that it arrived to you, in one piece without the original box, very little newspaper, and a manila envelope as it's only packing material? If this is the case, I will call UPS immediately, as they will be able to look at tracking and find out exactly what happened. If you could please answer this question for me before you send it back. After I know, I will tell you whether UPS is coming to pick it up, or if you need to send it to me.
Amazon Buyer emails me:
Yes, like I said and the pictures is how it was delivered. It also looked like it had been opened and then taped back up!! I can tell you for sure it wasn't packed at all like you say it was. When where how who is anybody's guess. Like I said I have over the years purchased a lot of items from all over QVC . the lot etc.. and I only ever had one package delivered it was really banged up but nothing inside was broken or damaged. But this is really beyond me. I just wish I or my husband got to the door before the UPS guy got in his truck and pulled away, because my husband or myself never never would of excepted it in the first place. Truly bizarre. Let me know if UPS is or isn't coming to pick it up or not cause my husband has to go out and find or get a box for this! I really have invested to much time and money in this already and I have a damaged piece and nothing for it. I don't blame you it happens it is what it is, I just would like my money back. I have since ordered another Tuscan canister from another company.
I received the canister back in the mail, and the lid was crushed. The Amazon Seller shipped it back in one box, with only 2 or 3 sheets of newspaper and no bubble wrap! It was not double boxed… Here are my photos.
You can see where she scratched it up… (it's on all 4 sides) If you refer to the photo above you can see that it was not
scratched when sent to her.
No padding around the top of the canister and the lid was on the other side crushed.
See the USPS red white and blue box on the top? That was the lid she made for the box.
I sent the buyer an email:
I just received this back in the mail yesterday, I'm guessing it took so long because it was sent Parcel Post. The lid to this is broken, and I have no idea how this scratching which really does look like a box cutter was taken to it, occurred. You will need to contact the post office and file for insurance. I can provide photos if you would like.
Email from Amazon buyer:
Excuse me but those scratches were on the darn canister when it FIRST came to me from you!!!. Obviously you don't or won't take responsibility for any of this. I guess this is how you do business!!! Well I want said photos sent immediately so I can show the post master. And I was not referring to the time it took to get back to you but this whole horrible process. It seems apparently you were'nt going to do anything about this from the get go. I feel you just strung me along for a fool!! Well I am not and will be taking this whole matter very seriously and intend to file all claims appropriately and then will leave "NOT" a good feed back at all.
You will be hearing from me and appropiate actions!!
My email back to her (along with the photos attached of the broken item):
I understood your claim that this was scratched, and was prepared to offer you a refund when I received it back in the mail. However, this was packed in such a manner that the lid is completely broken. I KNOW this is not how it left my business, and this was not how it was packed when I shipped it.
Now, I have a completely useless scratched canister bottom, and it is not even in it's original box for me to turn it into my distributor. Since the lid was broken when this was shipped with the post office, the insurance claim needs to be filed with them. As far as the time it took to resolve this, I could not get a straight answer as to what was wrong with the canister for the first few e-mails. Then, when I requested your phone number so I could file an insurance claim on what I thought to be a broken item, and for photos, I finally found out from you a couple of days later that it was scratched. Your main complaint was packaging at first (which I'm not even sure how it could have arrived at your home the way it was supposedly packed according to your photos.) I have been kind and polite the whole way through this process, and I'd have to say I've NEVER experienced a transaction like this. UPS did not open your package – it would have been in their tracking notes. I was never trying to play you for a fool. I'm merely trying to run a business and find out what exactly happened. I even offered to call you so I could maybe finally understand exactly what was wrong, but you never responded to that question. I didn't want to bother you since you were already leery about giving your number to me. Your negative feedback and your threats are unnecessary. I have done everything I can to help with this transaction.
Amazon Buyer email to me:
Well it is just a bunch of bull you are saying to me now!! I have saved every email I sent to you. You run your business terribly and I did give my phone number. I think you can't even keep your stories straight. Never the less you said to me that now that the lid is broken it's on me. I think NOT the way it was first delivered to me was deplorable and scratched. You have a lot of nerve and your stories keep changing. I have notified proper places. I will have a refund and your are very intrusive. Plus I told you to send me pictures of the container on however you received it! I won't hold my breath!! You are not a trustworthy business person ! You maybe trying to run a business but this is sure not the way to do it. I don't appreciate being scammed! As for the original box it came in that's a joke I sent you the picture of it, it was damaged when I FIRST got it box and all and you know it you are just trying to get out of refunding me. You are being reported in every aspect. I saved all corresponances and made copies of every email. I have taken it further. Will NEVER do business with you and I've told others. This whole situation on your part was handled very poorly! Very disatisfied!
Email from me:
I'm not trying to make you angry or take advantage of you.
I contacted UPS and they told me that the box was never opened or damaged. The notations on the box along the way for delivery showed no issues. You say (AFTER MANY emails instead of upfront) that the item looked like it was damaged with a exacto knife, and that it did not have the original packaging. That is why I had you send it back instead of making a UPS claim.. UPS wouldn't pay a claim on this, because what you are describing, did not happen in their care. My plans, once the item returned was to refund your money.
I have photos of this canister and it's original box.. I know it did not leave here with scratches. You can see that the styrofoam on the bottom of the canister is actually from the original white manufacturers box that this was sent in. Also the newspaper that was in the box you sent back, was the newspaper from the OTTAWA HERALD where I live. NO paper or padding was added by you.
You sent the item back parcel post (which is why it took so long), and when I opened the package the lid was broken. I can not turn this into UPS, because it did not break on *my* shipping to you. It was broken by USPS in your shipping to me.
I am not trying to make you angry, I am sorry this transaction is not what you expected.
After this email the buyer filed an A to Z Claim. I responded to the claim, and Amazon found in the buyers favor. I would totally understand that if the item would have arrived backed to me, with just the scratches and *not broken* but because the way she packed it, it was CRUSHED.
I've talked to several different customer service people with Amazon. Each one says that I should not have lost this claim, since the buyer damaged it when she sent it. I don't understand why