Happy 4th Birthday #6

Number 6 was born more than a few weeks early.. by emergency C Section.  He spent almost 5 weeks in the NICU, and they told us he might not grow.  Every once in awhile I like to just visually see if he is growing.

qz2Here is #6 and #5 the day he came home from the hospital.

qz4years1He might have grown a little bit…


qandz6Here's #4 and #6 the day he came home.

qz4years4Here they are today.

zachmomHappy Birthday #6!

Happy Birthday #6!

Yesterday was the baby's second birthday!.

Is it weird that it just seems like yesterday that we brought him home?

#5 and #6 on the day he was brought home..

Here they are today.

Here's #4 with #6 the day he came home from the hospital

Here they are today. 

I'd say the Dr was  wrong when he said #6 would have a hard time growing

Happy Birthday #6! 

The last 2 years have flown by…

and you've made our family much more fun 🙂

6 Months Have Gone By Fast…

It's this kids 6th month birthday.  It's so hard for me to believe that this bright, laughing, talking, constantly learning kid started out his life at just 4lbs.

Good Gravy he was tiny!

He's not tiny now!

#2 and #6

He was talking to me here..  Usually he tells me about how hard it is to be the youngest child in a line of 6 children… and how more people should carry him around and treat him like a king. On this day he was telling me how much he likes pears.

Happy 6th month Birthday #6 I can't wait to see all you are going to accomplish!