Wednesday’s Seems Like a Good Day to Scavenge..

Wednesday’s  To Do’s

1.  CLEAN!

2.  Father’s Day Cards… MAIL THEM!

3.  VBS Crafts

6. Dinner= Every man for himself.. it’s youth group night.. and no potluck..

7.  Make a new cooking blog for my Sister in law’s recipe for some kind of awesome cinnamon goo-y stuff

8.  Figure out what we are going to do about dance this coming school year.

9. work on church’s eBay stuff…

10. Fix more photos

11. Eclipse Tickets..

12. Scavenger Hunt.. with the youth.

Wednesday’s To Do List.

Wednesday’s  To Do List 5-26-2010

1.  Write up a few things.

2. Firm up plans for Youth Sunday and make the PowerPoint.

3. Do something with my hair.

4. 5th grade promotion

5. Finish up article and send it in.

6. Work on Church eBay Stuff.

7.  Dinner= Leftovers

8. 8th Grade Promotion.

9. Make WordPress Template for eBay Customer

10. reminder email to Girl Scout about the night sky badge.

Wednesday’s List is Full of Woe

I’m looking for 2 of these costumes.. either to borrow or buy.. But I need them CHEAP.. #4 and #5 will wear them for like 1 minute during #3’s solo dance…  OR if you just know where I can get 2 bright blue wigs… that would help too 🙂

1. School the Monkey’s

2. Figure out what I need for 2010-2011 school year..

3.  Girl Scout Training

4.  emails to Youth Group about the meeting..

5.  Write up eBay stuff (I still have those SUNGLASSES to finish)

6.  Start #3 solo costume

7.  Work on the Church’s eBay auctions ** List that FLOORING **

8. Set up time to pick up eBay donations..

9. Work on e-commerce website

10. Fill out #1’s forms

11. Send article in

12.  Wii time..

13.  Dinner = Pot Luck