It’s the Simple Things..

WAY back in July the family went to The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art.  We had a great time and met poetry artist Zach Houston. I blogged about it HERE.

The monkey's fell in love with that old technology.. The Typewriter. 

Monday night at the auction I found 2 working electric typewriters for only $6.00 for BOTH of them.

Here's #2's good friend and of course, #2.  Even they enjoy time with the typewriter.

The friend was typing draft letters… and if you know him, that is totally what he would do.  Any idea what #2 was typing?

HTML or "computer language"


to quote Weird Al in the song "White and Nerdy"

I got a business doing websites
When my friends need some code who do they call?
I do HTML for them all
Even made a homepage for my dog!

#4 loves it.  You've never seen a kid love a typewriter more than this one.  If I can stand the constant typing.. it will be the best $6.00 I ever spent