Monday’s Plans Quarantine Day 92

I had a weird experience with a comment on the blog here a week or so ago.  They were pretty mean and made some nasty comments about me and my family.  I’m not sure why other humans think they have to be mean.  We live in some pretty strange, exciting, hopeful, heartbreaking times.  I hope the 5 of you that read my blog will be kind to others today.


  • School
  • Dinner= Fajita enchilada’s, rice, beans
  • Post Office
  • Send offers
  • List on eBay/Amazon for Consulting Job
  • Take stuff to Goodwill
  • Figure out where I am going to put the container store storage things I purchased
  • Clean out car
  • Clean out fridges
  • straighten pantry

A Glimpse From a Buying Trip

The Man and I left last week to take a little trip to purchase a some new product for my store.  Here is our trip in pictures.


The Man ALWAYS drives.  So I needlepoint.

I started a new needlepoint by Colors of Praise.  I am going for a Mackenzie Childs look for this needlepoint.  I forgot to take a photo of when I started.  This was when we were about 1/2 way to our destination.

Here is when the trip was over.


One of the best cheeseburgers I’ve ever eaten!  Haystack in Dallas


Hutchins BBQ

We bought so much we had to ship some back home.

+ we bought a car bag for the top of the car.