Tamale Fundraiser..

It feels like all of last week was taken up with one thing, my youth groups Tamale Fundraiser.  Our Church's kitchen is still under construction, so we made the tamales in my kitchen.  Here's some of the photos:

Masa Harina.. is messy

Do you know how much taco meat this pan will cook?

19 pounds.

These two get a little loopy after working in the kitchen all day.


We had already thrown away most of the butter carcass' before this photo was taken.


Here's the line of people getting their food.


This hand (#1) is an expert at tamale steaming… but don't ask her to steam yours.. because she only works for me. 🙂

Garage Sale Super Models…

Today was Garage Sale Day in Ottawa, Kansas.  Usually we find some great stuff.  Today there were WHOLE STREETS without a single sale… What's this world coming too? (I did find a few things that I'll blog about later)  So what's an eBay Queen and her minion to do?  Pretend  the minion are super models..

#3 and #3.5

I wonder if she planned her outfit because she knew we would find some red suitcases?



3.5 is singing  "Chicago" right about now..


See you later ladies!

Spring… In Kansas

I'm not sure what these trees are called.. but they smell like fish.

Beautiful pinky-peach bush.

Antiques and a spring tree.


Up close view of the fish-y smelling flowers.

I love this building.  It use to be the US Post Office.. then the SRS building. 

It sits empty now.  I think they want $150K for it.  It's a pretty cool building.

Target Fail?

I don't tell people this much… unless we are close friends, but I love Target. I was there the other day looking at the t-shirts.  They had some on sale for 8.99.  Lots of the shirts had been sold out and there was a rain check ticket and this instant substitute.

Somehow I don't think I want a Faux Leather Jacket instead of a t-shirt.  I still love you Target…