Pinterest Photo Day Challenge Day 7: Button

Today's photo challenge is a photo of a button. I was trying to figure out some COOL button to take a photo of.. and then it hit me.

The man has on a button up shirt.  While it's not the most excite button. It is a button on a person I love more than anything. 🙂

Here's a cool button on eBay that sold for $6000.00! 

Check it out HERE

Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 6: 10:00 AM

Today's photo challenge is 10:00 AM  (ok really it was 10am yesterday.. but whatever)

At 10:00am today I walked into the house from taking #4 to speech…

This kid was in his bed fussing. 


I yelled for the rest of them to get ready for school, and asked #1 if she'd entertain him for awhile.


I got him situated, and put him on his sisters back so we could go do school..

This is how I found the rest of them.. do you think they were in the school room ready for school?

#4 was laying in the chair listening to his MP3 player.

#5 was laying on the floor watching TV.

#2  was sitting in the chair checking his email.

Some of you might realize that #3 and 3.5 are missing.  #3.5 is a school doing that whole public school thing.  #3 was being a good girl and getting ready for school. She's such a good girl. 🙂



Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 5: Dinner

family dinner

This is my family eating dinner.

The menu?

Marinated Flank Steak, Smashed Potatoes, and peas.

Smashed potatoes.. being smashed

Being eaten..

Flank steaks on the grill..

Flank Steak Sliced and ready to eat.

** I was scheduled to take a photo of  "10am".. but well, I was teaching a confirmation class at that time and forgot to take their photo. 🙁  So I'll take a photo of 10am tomorrow.. instead of dinner.