Something I love… The Adopt Shoppe Jewelry

I fell in love with the Adopt Shoppe by accident.  A good friend of mine posted about a family that was adopting a sweet little boy in Haiti, and they were having an auction for him.  Check it out HERE  

This auction contained items from the Adopt Shoppe.  I'm happy to say that I won a few of them 🙂  After seeing the Adopt Shoppe stuff there I checked out their items on Etsy and starting to follow them on Twitter and Instagram!   Holy Camoly I love their stuff.


I really wanted Break my hear with what breaks yours… heart necklace.


On Monday she had a 46 item auction on Instagram.  I didn't win anything 🙁


It wasn't because I didn't try… It was hard to be the first one!




I love this one!


How cute is this?  I need one of these will all seven of my children on it!


The Adopt Shoppe on Facebook

Saw and Bought at the Auction…

I spent a little time at Strickers Auction in Gardner Kansas last night.  Here's some of the stuff I saw…

Rows of what my friend Tammy and I call "real people" stuff.

Vintage leather dye?

Cool bed in the background.. nice toys in the foreground.

I really wanted these vintage clothes.  There were some really cool vintage wool coats in this bunch.  I didn't wait around to see these sell.

Outdoor furniture?

Dudes talking

See this vintage girls bedroom set? I've seen BUNCHES go through this auction over the years, and not sell for $50.00.  Last night, this bad boy sold for over $200.00

I wanted this chair.. but The Man doesn't think I need it.

OOOH I wanted these things too. (I didn't get them)

Saddle anyone?

I *did* get some of these cowboy boots

Nothing I want here.. but those big pots..

I wanted this thing…

Wanted these cute little pigs.

Hello.. Little Suzy Homemaker?

Jim Shore.. (didn't get it 🙁 )


Jogging Stroller

Moon & Stars and USN silverware

Nuts anyone?

Frankoma and some dishes.

Here's what I got..

and the stroller.. I think the cat believes I'm going push him around… I'm not. I'll be pushing this kid around.



Seen and Not Bought… Kinda

I've been a slacker.. I've been to auctions, taken pictures… but I haven't shared them.  Here's a few photos from last Monday's auction.

Where's Mr. Fitzhugh when you need him?

I've always wanted one of these.. to either put the degu or hermit crabs in.

Check out what someone did to a filing cabinet.. they made it shabby chic!

I loved this cute sewing box.

Table full of dishes and glassware…

Ugly Pig

Musical Instruments

This is the box I really wanted.. but was too lazy to stick around for it.

I did get some of this… Thanks to #2.. but we'll save that discussion for another blog.