Brace Yourself.. Someone’s Been to the Orthodontist

I swore my children would not have braces. (Like I had any control over that.) I didn't have braces, but The Man.. he had SERIOUS braces.  I'm blaming my children's teeth on him.

Fry Orthodontics, braces, children getting braces

#3 and #2 outside of Fry Orthodontic Specialists

before braces

#3 before braces..

before braces

#2 before braces.



They put this thing in his already very large mouth..

That's a lot of metal.. This kid has 22 + months of metal in his mouth.

This little muffin only has 11months of metal time… I have a funny feeling that she won't be smiling about 9:00pm tonight..

Done! They look cute huh?