Tales from the Crown: Carpet and Braces… Don’t Mix

I know I've talked about my kids and their braces..  But I completely forgot about a blog I was going to write, until we received a post card in the mail that reminded me.

fry orthodontics, braces

#3.5 and the post card.

About four days after #3.5 got her braces on… she was sitting on the floor with #3.. I don't know what they were doing, but before you know it #3.5 looked like this:

She's stuck… to the carpet.. by her braces…. When we finally got her "unstuck" she said "I think I have carpet fibers in my braces!"

We thought it was hilarious.. and  when we went in for a braces check up for #2 and #3; I showed the office staff the picture (above) I think they thought it was funny too!

It says: "Hope all is well with your new braces!  *Warning: stay away from CARPET. LOL 🙂  Have a good day!"  We love the people at Fry Orthodontics and this is one of the reasons why! 

fry orthodontics, braces

No #3.5's were hurt in the making of this blog.  The carpet won't be the same.. but she's doing fine 😉

Three Down Four to Go? A Trip to Fry Orthodontics

Yesterday was the big day for #3.5 to get her braces.  You may remember that #2 and #3 are currently in braces.. I blogged about it HERE  If you live in the Kansas City area.. you should check out Fry Orthodontics.  They have a fabulous staff, their prices are good, they are easy to work with, and have a bajillion locations!  If you go tell them the Eads sent you 🙂

Fry orthodontics specialists, braces, new braces

#3.5 before braces…

Waiting… #3.5 and #3.

Fry orthodontics

Brackets almost on.

Almost done.. just need the wires.

Fry orthodontics

#3.5 done!  She looks pretty dang cute huh?

Fry orthodontics Ottawa, ks

Three (of the seven) children with their braces on!

#2 has another 2 years with his braces… #3.5 has 11 months and #3 has only 3 months left!

Brace Yourself.. Someone’s Been to the Orthodontist

I swore my children would not have braces. (Like I had any control over that.) I didn't have braces, but The Man.. he had SERIOUS braces.  I'm blaming my children's teeth on him.

Fry Orthodontics, braces, children getting braces

#3 and #2 outside of Fry Orthodontic Specialists

before braces

#3 before braces..

before braces

#2 before braces.



They put this thing in his already very large mouth..

That's a lot of metal.. This kid has 22 + months of metal in his mouth.

This little muffin only has 11months of metal time… I have a funny feeling that she won't be smiling about 9:00pm tonight..

Done! They look cute huh?