Tuesday’s To Do’s

peanut butter chocolate cake

#3 with her Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Cake..

Tuesday’s To Do’s…

  • School the monkey’s
  • Children need to do their chores..
  • Clean the house.
  • List eBay junk
  • Write eBay stuff up
  • Dinner= It’s homeschool mom’s night out.. 🙂
  • Call Girl Scouts
  • Update blogs (it’s a dream.. that I hope to do ;) )
  • Call 1st Baptist about lock in.
  • write article
  • Remind the man to make his phone call.
  • Schedule Dr’s Appt.

Tuesday.. Tuesday

evil cat, haskell, gregory, basement kitteh

Oh.. Gregory.. how we miss your evil cat looks…

1. Wii Fit

2. List eBay Stuff

3.  Write article.

4. Do something with #2′s hair.

5. Dinner= Flat Iron Steak, Baked Potatoes, Green beans, rolls

6. Fix pictures

7. Clean School Room

8. Get school books ready for 2010-2011

9. have #3 model skirts for eBay photos.