A View from My Cell Phone.

I was sitting in my car, waiting on my kids.. and I started looking at my cell phone pictures. Holy Smokes, there are A LOT on there. Apparently I take photos of things.. and I don't even realize or remember it!

There is this one.. I think I wanted to make this a degu cage..

but in reality knew it wouldn't work. #3 is looking cute!

I believe this kid stole my phone and took this photo. There are more

"stolen phone" photos on my phone than ones that I have actually taken.

I call this photo "wishful thinking". Why? Well.. I took the photo of

the Smith and Hawken Target display, hoping my family would buy

me something from this collection for Mother's Day. They didn't 🙁

I'm going to call this picture "Bad Kitty". The Man and I

were walking around The Plaza a year or so ago. There was a HUGE line

outside of the MAC makeup store. We looked in and there was this guy..

Interesting photo huh? What do you think the employment

ad said for this job? "Man with great abs needed to wear Hello Kitty Head"

Or "If you've got the body, we've got your head!" or maybe "Male model

needed to stand in make up store and look cute"? You know The Man has

that body.. and I can't imagine how anyone would get him in those pants 😉

So You’d Like to Own some Degus..

When you buy a pair of animals at a pet store.. make sure the people selling them know if they are boys or girls.. we bought 2 really cute degus… That turned into 12 really quick.

They are really sweet, hand raised and active during the day.

If you’d like a couple (same sex pair only) let me know 🙂

To quote Raising Arizona.. “they’ve got more than they can handle”.

Harmony.. it’s not just for Musicians

This was a crazy day.. It was suppose to be a calm.. tranquil day where I accomplished everything I wanted to get done that was on my list. Do you think that happened? NO not with 5 kids, 3 new kittens, too many degus, VBS that starts in 3 days and a week long over night Mission Stay that I planned that starts in 10 days. (If you said yes.. you need to really read my blog more)..

BUT.. I’m here to show you some harmony that did happen in my home.

Here’s a sweet degu just relaxing…

Here are 2 of the new kitties sleeping

Just to prove the Degu’s lay around on the kids.. Here’s one of the degus’ laying on #2 while he surf’s the internet.

Here’s my definition of pet harmony.. 2 kitties right next to the degu.

Here it is from another angle… and yes they were like that for 30+ minutes.