The Secret Life of Artists

Sometimes as a mom you get to peek into the lives of you children and it makes your heart happy.  #3.5 is quite the artist.  She draws all the time, and I think she inspires #6 to do the same.  A couple of nights ago #3.5 was sitting at the table drawing, and #6 started drawing with her.



He’s not sure how to sharpen the colored pencil so she’s showing him.



She let him use her phone to draw a sea life.



Not too bad for a 5 year old.

How Do You Know a 3 Year Old Loves his Family?



 I've been taking Christmas pictures of my children since well.. I've had them. The other night #6 brought me an 8 year old Christmas photo and was VERY VERY sad.  You know sobbing with the lip out sad.



I asked him what was wrong, and he told me; "I'm not in this picture. Where am I mommy?"


I did the best I could explaining to a 3 year old where he was 8 years ago, and he demanded that I somehow put him in the picture. 


I asked him why he wanted to be in the picture, and you know what that sweet little muffin said?  "I just love my fambly (family) and I want to be with them."  That warms my heart. 🙂



Listening:  To my children talk while they clean the kitchen.

 Loving:  Homeschool Field Trips

Thankful: I'm thankful that my sermon is FINALLY written.. I just need to make the PowerPoint

Thinking: about my friends who just lost their baby boy William.  He was just 4 months old, and had a rare birth defect that affected his heart and the amount of oxygen that he was receiving.  William had 2 fabulous parents Chris and Sara and a brother and sister that are simply adorable.  I love their family so much. I will be praying for them through out the day.  If you are the praying kind, would you pray for them too?

 Wanting: A cheeseburger from the Westport Flea market

Needing: Some time alone with the man…