Each year my husband asks me what I want for my birthday… Here's a few things on my wish list for this year.
I need a new laptop bag. I like this one by "Elleven" You can get it at the eBay Shop HERE
The Man is probably not going to like the eBay laptop bag…
so there is always the Vera Bradley Shop that has this one that is 40% Off until Monday July 9th
Reserved Brand Black T-Shirt Rhinestone Cross Angel Wings Blue Stones T-Shirt 18.99 Get it HERE
Black Leather Cole Haan Purse 42.00 You can get this HERE
Pigs in Love Hand Painted Needlepoint Canvas by M. Murphy 11.99 HERE
Perfect Scents to get THIS or A gift certificate for a pedicure is always nice
Candles are 50% off HERE
Melissa Shirley Pig Needlepoint.. How cute is this? You know I need it.. You can get it HERE
You know you can always go to Marshalls or Home Goods…. or you could just take me to dinner and a movie
You already made me the mother of this motley crew… so what more could I ask for?