Sometimes We Need a Note to Tell Us What We are Doing Wrong

I have received little notes and photos from my children over the years.  Some good and some well.. not so good.  99% of the note that are left for me look like this:

love notes

I love these kind.  These kind of notes make my heart feel like it’s going

to burst.  These notes are filled with love, mutual admiration and hand

drawn flowers.  They are sealed with kisses and marked with X’s and O’s.

Check out this blog about these notes: HERE

This type of note.. I don’t get too often:

This one basically says I favor one kid over the other.. and

has a halo on that kid.. The kid that is treated unfairly has a super nice

bow in her hair 🙂 By the way.. it also shows that said kid texts too much

and obviously needs to have a discussion with his mother about saying

“I hate you”. I do like how skinny I am in the drawing though. 😉

Love Letters… From my Children

About once a week I receive a cute little note next to my bed from #3.  Sometimes it’s under my pillow, sometimes it’s by the phone or it might be sitting on top of some books.  #4 was helping make the bed and noticed these notes.  He was very concerned and wanted to know  WHO was leaving “HIS” mother notes.  I told him about #3 and how she likes to leave me a little something every once in a while.  Imagine my surprise when I went to bed and there were THREE love notes.

I know there are four here.. I have two from my over achieving #3.

This is a flower from my baby.. #5.

I realize “Mommy” is spelled wrong.. but I still love it.

#4 did this without any help.  He went upstairs and worked on

it for a really long time… He missed is favorite part of the Olympics

to make this for me.  Brings a little tear to my eye…

What a sweet girl…

HMMM….. It makes me wonder why #1 and #2 don’t leave me notes?