Saturday’s A Good Day to Eat Pie.. and Work

Since The Man FAILED and didn’t take me to the Johnson

County Fair tomorrow.. maybe he’ll take me here.. This

Market Cafe is on Main Street in Ottawa.. and also has an

antique shop in it!

1. Wii Fit

2. List eBay Stuff ** this is my main goal**

3. Do something with #2′s hair.

4. Dinner=Lasagna and Garlic Bread

5. Fix pictures

Tuesday.. Seriously? It Feels Like Wednesday..

chick fila must move to Ottawa, KS

You know what would make me happy?  A little Chick-fil-a

in Ottawa Kansas.. PLEASE?

1. phone calls..

2. Write up eBay stuff

3. Cut out MORE butterfly shapes make them into charms.. and bake them :)

4. Dinner= hanging out with my friends at VBS.. and eating Ham Sandwiches

5. Send article in

6. upload VBS photos to church website..

7. Get entry way cleaned

8. vacuum dining room and family room

Sometimes We Get a Second Chance… to Blow Some Stuff Up!

fireworks, explosion, otttawa ks

We were rained out on Sunday (see HERE).. but Monday night was

perfect night to blow a few things up.  We didn’t get to go to my

friend Tammy’s, but the city of Ottawa had a “Blow Up Make Up” party.

What’s a party without a little drama?  #4 was not happy about something..

I think some one took his chair..

By the looks of this picture #5 had something to do with it.

Maybe it was this kid.. he’s not related to me.. but he should be 😉

OH.. are you and your family doing that Volkswagen “punch” thing?

If you are here’s a free one for you.. Silver one!

It was starting to get dark.. and we broke out the glow sticks.

This kid is using his for a halo.. 🙂

They can also be used as hair sticks..

Just in case you were wondering.. #4 perked up after the glow sticks

came out.

Happy Fourth of July!

I Think He Has a Future in Politics

I’ve always wondered if any of my children would go into politics.. I believe I have my answer.

#5 ran right into the City Hall Chambers.. climbed in the chair and said;

“Robert F Kennedy.” I don’t have any idea why he said that.. but he impressed

the onlookers.

Here’s #5, #2 and his friend that I affectionately call #6 from time to time.

I believe #5 is calling the meeting to order.

Don’t all city officials wear their hand painted frog tee shirts?