New Years is a weird time for me. Everyone is making resolutions.. and I’m not. I learned when I was 15 or 16 that I never kept them. Every year I make a “fake” resolution list in my new Franklin Planner. It’s fake because I write it down, but I don’t really practice any of it.

This years fake resolutions are:
1. Lose weight
2. Exercise daily on the Wii
3. Make a 30 day menu.. buy those groceries and STICK TO IT.
4. Learn to be a better record keeper. (Girl Scouts, Youth Group and Homeschool)
5. Keep my house sparkling
6. Become a gardener.. you know the kind that grows vegetables?
7. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables in the house.
8. Spend more time with The Man
9. Stop doing every thing at the last minute.
10. Teach my boys how to cook and sew.
11. Read the Bible everyday.
12. Piano Lessons for the monkeys.
13. Find new sources of inventory BEFORE I have to.
14. Open a webstore.
15. Be a better listener.
So.. do you have any resolutions? Are they REAL..? How successful are you at keeping them?