You should know.. I’m obsessed with a TV show. Maybe you are too… I never watched
Lost when it was on TV. I only started “renting” them on Netflix… and I am obsessed.
#1 and 2 love it too. I am wishing my netflix would be here tomorrow.. (it won’t)..
so until Tuesday.. I’ll be the one with the shakes… going through withdraw over a TV show.
1. Make the monkey’s do their chores
2. Write up eBay Stuff.
3. Plan Youth Group.
4. Work on Shopping cart with #2
5. Work on reading with #4
6. Dinner = Fajitas, spoon bread, cilantro lime rice The man didn’t come home for dinner.. so we had scrambled eggs.. he and #2 were working at the church.
7. Read books to the monkeys (summer reading program)
8. 30 min on the Wii