Yesterday was the big day for #3.5 to get her braces. You may remember that #2 and #3 are currently in braces.. I blogged about it HERE If you live in the Kansas City area.. you should check out Fry Orthodontics. They have a fabulous staff, their prices are good, they are easy to work with, and have a bajillion locations! If you go tell them the Eads sent you
#3.5 before braces…
Waiting… #3.5 and #3.
Brackets almost on.
Almost done.. just need the wires.
#3.5 done! She looks pretty dang cute huh?
Three (of the seven) children with their braces on!
#2 has another 2 years with his braces… #3.5 has 11 months and #3 has only 3 months left!