Let Sleeping Babies Lie…

A couple of days ago #6 REFUSED to go to sleep.  This is pretty normal behavior my children.  You see we they don't like to miss out on anything.  I think they got this from their father 😉  I tried everything, and he would not go to sleep.  I got up, and started to collect our stuff to go into the family room so that we could hang out in there and not wake The Man.  I turned around and saw this….

He had fallen asleep on *MY* pillow.

He looks pretty comfortable doesn't he?

There's The Man.. fast asleep and his blue eyed mini- me on the other side… MY SIDE. 


I didn't leave him there.. because it not safe for a baby to sleep on a pillow.. in a big bed so close to the edge etc.. I just thought it was funny that as soon as I stopped holding him and trying to get him to sleep.. he went to sleep! 🙂

As The Baby’s World Turns

Yesterday I couldn't find #6. Since he is just a baby I knew he couldn't have gotten far. I walked in my bedroom and this is what I saw:

#3, #5 and #6 watching something on #3's phone.

Look at him! He has is arm around her arm.. just hanging out.

Any guesses to what they are watching? Perhaps a documentary on glass vs plastic bottles? How cloth diapers are less chafing on a babies sensitive skin? Maybe #3 is playing some game like Angry Birds. No.. on all accounts. They are watching…

Elmo's World…

This baby lives in a house with 7 other people. If everyone keeps giving this kid what he wants.. he's going to believe the world revolves around him. I guess that's ok… He's pretty stinkin' cute!

Happy 5 Months Baby!

This little muffin is 5 months old today. He has to be one of the best children I've ever given birth too (don't tell the others). At 5 months he talks or coo's non-stop. He loves green beans, sweet potatoes, bananas and apples. He loves to smile and to be "strolled" around the house by one of his siblings.

He's come a long way from when he was just a few days old here in the NICU. Just a little 4 pounder! Happy 5 month Birthday #6!

Messin’ with Sasquatch

While having a philosophical conversation with #4… He wondered how we could tell if #6 was growing.

It was his idea to bring out "the card". To you this card may seem like a cute little reminder of a baby's stay at the hospital.. but to me, it's a reminder of the time we spent in the NICU. I sat in the rocking chair and that card was hanging on the wall across from me.

For weeks I went to the NICU almost everyday and stared at that card…

I think my problem is that It reminds me I had this little muffin 50 days early… by emergency C section. He doesn't look any worst for the wear now does he?

I don't think he likes to be reminded of that.