Happy Birthday #5

Today is #5’s birthday.  It is unbelievable to me that he will be 15.


When you look at him you might notice he has a lot of hair.



He loves Star Wars.  He doesn’t seem impressed that I saw the first Star Wars in 1977.  He’s been to TWO Star Wars marathons… one he was even interviewed on TV.

He has quite the sense of humor and can imitate several voices.

He also has the sweetest baby face.  Happy Birthday #5!

A Trip to the Nelson or My Birthday Celebration

Each year for my birthday we try to give ourselves a little culture.  The Nelson Atkins museum of art is the best way for our family to do that.  Here are a few photos from our day..


The Man, #3, #3.5 and me.


We love this painting.. I think only because we like to imitate it.


#2, #4 #5 and #6



This is their “meditation” pose.


Proof #1 was with us.. she doesn’t like to be in the pictures. :\


This is #3.5 and #6’s best impression of a totem pole rug


Uh…. Who knows. what they are doing.


20160710_143331.jpgThis Kid..

Happy Birthday 14th Birthday #3

This girl turns 14 today… that little muffin in her arms is 7…   If I think about it too much it makes me want to cry.


This is one of my favorite photos of her… She was SO MAD at me when I took the photo.  She's not mad because I took the photo.. but mad because I wouldn't buy her something before the photo was taken. 

Happy Birthday #3! You are loved beyond belief!

Same Old Story.. Some Kid Does Something Cute

Today is #6's fourteen month birthday. I swore 16 years ago that I would not be one of those parents that keeps track of my babies age in months after the first year.. and I promise I really don't.  Except for today.



2 tickets to the Gun Show


Face palm.

#4 and #6.. They don't look too much alike do they?

Happy 14 month Birthday #6!