What Was Lost is Found..

WAY back on Mother's Day in 2014.. Golden Boy (#2) bought me the needlepoint I've wanted for quite some time.  It's this Melissa Shirley Designs 3 Little Pigs Needlepoint. If you don't needlepoint, you may not know that it's not a cheap hobby.  A Melissa Shirley needlepoint canvas is hand painted, so it's like it's a tiny work of art. I buy 99% of my canvas's on eBay because the mother of 7 can't afford one retail.

Since the needlepoint store in Kansas City closed down.. I don't have any place to buy fibers.  #2 and I went to Atlanta February 17th-20th for his business trip.  We had a great time, and I got the opportunity to go to the needlepoint shop In Stitches that is located in Buckhead, GA.


Melissa Shirley's Three Little Pigs


I bought just a few fibers to start the needlepoint, rolled my canvas back up.. and flew back to Kansas City with it.  When I arrived back in Kansas City on Friday evening, it was the start of The Man's Christmas present.  He loves the PBR Pro Bull Riders (and I do too) so every year I buy him tickets to the rodeo and we make a weekend of it.  This cute little needlepoint road around with me (or so I thought it did) all weekend.  When I arrived home Sunday I thought this was in The Man's car…. on Monday night I asked him to bring it in, and IT WASN'T in his car.  We started making phone calls on Monday night into Tuesday.  We called every place we went…. no needlepoint canvas.  I was so afraid that I lost this, and I would never own one again.  I cried in the shower.. I cried when I went to bed.  I even DREAMED about this thing.  I dreamed that it was finally returned to me.. but it was FINISHED. (is that dumb or what?)


#2 called the hotel we stayed in on Monday evening, and they said they didn't have it. #1 called all the parking garages in the Power and Light District and IKEA to see if they found it.  I called the restaurants, movie theater, and shopping places we went… No canvas. I thought I would call the hotel again, just to see… and they had it! 🙂  I can't tell you how happy I was to see it again!

What Should I Do With Finished Needlepoint?

I have issues.  If you’ve read my blog for very long, you know I have a few issues.  If you are a relative or a close personal friend,  this blog will not surprise you.

I love to needlepoint.  It calms me… it makes me happy… and well it gives me something to do when I’m not doing anything.  #1 was looking for a new tapestry needle for me when she found my partial stash of finished needlepoints.  She got on me a little because I haven’t “finished” them in the way that most people would consider them finished.  They  haven’t been made into a pillow or framed etc..

Obviously I like poppies…

This is about 1/2 of my finished stuff.  See the pumpkin?  That

belongs to my friend Tammy.  See the “E”  I found an “S” the other

day.  Now I can have my initials!

I painted the canvas and stitched it up a few years

ago for her birthday.  (yes that says a FEW years ago)  Tammy

loves all things Halloween.  Check out her Halloween party HERE.

I’m such a bad friend.. Tammy if you are reading this.. we should

go to an auction and eat flat cheeseburgers..

This little piggy took me FOREVER to finish.. he’s pretty cute huh?

I was going to use this as a pillow in my entry way…

I bought this hand painted canvas on eBay.. and finished it with

pearl cotton.  It’s suppose to go hang on my “needlepoint ornament

tree”.  There are few that are destined for that tree.. as soon as they

are finished :).

Pig Needlepoint, eBay Queen, Suzie Eads, Hog Heaven

Here’s one I actually did finish… and made into a pillow. I bought this

at a needlepoint shop in Buckhead Georgia.  The woman there convinced

me to use different threads besides wool.. I used velvet on this one.

hand painted needlepoint, purse, poppies

Do you have any projects that you finished.. but haven’t “FINISHED”?